SeaRail 19

Together time. Photo, Peter McGowan.

SeaRail 19

Family time. Photo, Peter McGowan.

SeaRail 19

Freedom time. Photo, Peter McGowan.

SeaRail 19

Thinking time. Photo, Peter McGowan.

SeaRail 19

Trailerable. Photo, Peter McGowan.

SeaRail 19

SeaRail 19.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Sailing Anarchy gets wind of the SeaRail 19 One Design

Sailing Anarchy has just got wind of the SeaRail 19 One Design.

Bas has kicked off proceedings with a post that asks, Is the SeaRail 19 a Weta alternative?
As you would expect on Sailing Anarchy, it's sometimes good sometimes bad and always controversial!

And what that says is that there is considerable brewing interest in the SeaRail 19's international debut at the Newport Rhode Island, USA, Boat Show from 13-16 September 2012.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Small Trimarans Website introduces SeaRail 19 One Design!

Small Trimarans Website introduces the SeaRail 19 One Design
The Small Trimarans website describes itself as the first online community for enthusiasts of trailerable (and cartopable) trimarans.

On 22 June, 2012, it ran a story, Introducing the SeaRail 19 One Design. Below is an excerpt:

"The new Searail 19 Trimaran is a brand new, 19-foot trailerable sailboat designed (in large part) by Nigel Irens. The entrepreneurial force behind this production boat, however, is sailor Phil Medley, who has worked in the marine industry for many years.

"Phil’s experience with multihulls really stands out with the development of this new boat too. As you read his comments and description of the craft, it’ll be evident that he has probably labored countless hours in order to bring it to market.

"One of the main goals was to make a high-performance trimaran available to sailors for much less than they’d typically pay for similar production boats."

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Related items of interest:
  • The SeaRail 19 will make its world debut at the Newport, Rhode Island, USA, Boat Show in September.
  • The SeaRail 19 is a nominee for the “Sailing World 2013 Boat of the Year” competition at the Annapolis, USA, Boat Show in October.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

SeaRail 19 One Design to be unveiled at 2012 Newport International Boat Show

It is official: the Searail 19 One Design will be unveiled at the 2012 Newport International Boat Show, Rhode Island, USA.

The Newport Boat Show will be held from 13-16 September 2012.

The SeaRail 19 has been designed by Nigel Irens and is being produced in South East Asia. The unveiling of the SeaRail 19 is expected to generate considerable excitement.

The SeaRail 19 is a new exciting, affordable, light weight, trailerable trimaran built to cater to a wide range of sailors.

Whether it's day sailing with your family, resort sailing or camper sailing, the SeaRail 19's an ideal leisure trimaran. If you have the need for speed, however, try sailing this tri competitively with either friends or single handed. Whooosh!

Be sure to visit the Newport International Boat Show to see the Searail 19 One Design with your own eyes!

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